Diablo 2 remastered blizzard
Diablo 2 remastered blizzard

diablo 2 remastered blizzard

Blizzard is setting a standard of what we can continue to expect from their poor multiplayer performance dating back to 2000 when Diablo 2 first hit the shelves. Instead it seems as though they are making the current title annoying to play and purposely forcing people to play the shiny new Resurrected title for their newest money grab which won’t go to the grunts working tirelessly to make multiplayer at least functional, but will go to the CEO and board members for coming up with this great money grabbing idea.

diablo 2 remastered blizzard

One would think Blizzard would give the best experience to players now to gain excitement for the upcoming Resurrected title. If Blizzard can’t even maintain the current game, or I’m guessing allow games to be made without a wait time, I’m guessing the same will happen with Remastered and with low chat room attendance in the current Diablo 2 LOD, I’m guessing Blizzard is dumping a hole lot of money into an outdated game that they refuse to fix and will not spend time or money on the current Diablo 2 servers. I have 1000 mbps so obviously the problem is server related. For example, monsters appearing out of no where and killing your character. I should be able to switch games whenever I want. Why would I buy Diablo 2 Remastered when the current trend in Diablo 2 LOD has wait times on making games, constant lag in game, also random glitches while playing, and temporary bans for switching games too many times.

Diablo 2 remastered blizzard